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Confirmed Meetings

All meetings will be at the Claverton Community Hall on SUNDAYS as per the list below, commencing at 13.30.  

New - Confirmed Dates for 2024

  • 28 Jan - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC Table (Red) 3
  • 25 Feb - Renaissance Skirmish (25/28mm)
  • 24 Mar - What a Cowboy
  • 28 Apr - Men who would be Kings - 1860s Western Frontier Wars
  • 26 May - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC Table (Red) 4
  • 23 Jun - Full Trust (1000pt fleets)
  • 28 Jul - What a Tank (1943 (Tunisia/Sicily Theaters, 50pts)
  • 25 Aug
  • 22 Sep
  • 27 Oct
  • 24 Nov
  • 22 Dec

Meetings for 2023

  • 22 Jan - Men who would be Kings
  • 26 Feb - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC Table (Red) 2
  • 26 Mar -
  • 23 Apr - What a Cowboy - first look
  • 28 May - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC Table (Red) 2 - resumption & conclusion of Feb game
  • 25 Jun - What a Cowboy
  • 23 Jul - What a Cowboy - Scenario 3 The Rescue
  • 27 Aug - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC Table (Red) 2 - second attempt
  • 24 Sep - What a Tanker -  44 post Normandy break out scenario
  • 22 Oct - What a Cowboy - Scenario 4 Highway Robbery
  • 26 Nov - Full Thrust
  • 17 Dec - Christmas Game

What we did in 2022

  • 23 Jan - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC, Table (Blue) B
  • 27 Feb - What a Tanker (1941- Mid 42 North Africa Theatre)
  • 27 Mar - Colonial Skirmish
  • 24 Apr - What a Tanker - Sept 44 scenario based on action fought by 15/19th King's Royal Hussars
  • 22 May -Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC, Table (Blue) C
  • 26 Jun - Western Gunfight
  • 17 July - What a Tanker - 21 Pz Div, Normandy
  • 28 Aug - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC Table (Red) 1 - Blitzkreig at Zoteux
  • 25 Sept - Full Thrust
  • 23 Oct - Full Thrust - refinement of new house rules
  • 27 Nov - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC Table (Red) 1 - Blitzkreig at Zoteux (2nd attempt)
  • 18 Dec - Christmas Game - Renaissance Skirmish free for all/winner takes all

and 2021

  • 24 Jan - cancelled (Covid 19 Restriction/Lockdown III)
  • 28 Feb - cancelled (Covid 19 Restriction/Lockdown III)
  • 28 Mar - cancelled (Covid 19 Restriction/Lockdown III)
  • 25 Apr - cancelled (Covid 19 Restriction/Lockdown III)
  • 23 May  - (Big) What a Tanker (1944, Eastern Front)
  • 27 June - Sharp Practice (AWI)
  • 25 July - Heraclea (DBA 3, big battle with historic option)
  • 22 Aug - C16th Borders Skirmish
  • 26 Sept - Tinners Trail (Board Game)
  • 24 Oct - Chain of Command - Abbeville PSC, Table (Blue) A
  • 28 Nov - Colonial Skirmish
  • 19 Dec - Christmas Game - C17th Skirmish free for all/winner takes all

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Last modified: 09/05/10